Distribution of the boreal toad populations in relation to estimated UV-B dose in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA


A recent increase in ultraviolet B radiation is one hypothesis advanced to explain suspected or documented declines of the boreal toad (Bufo boreas Baird and Girard, 1852) across much of the western USA, where some experiments have shown ambient UV-B can reduce embryo survival. We examined B. boreas occupancy relative to daily UV-B dose at 172 potential breeding sites in Glacier National Park, Montana, to assess whether UV-B limits the distribution of toads. Dose estimates were based on ground-level UV-B data and the effects of elevation, local topographic and vegetative features, and attenuation in the water column. We also examined temporal trends in surface UV-B and spring snowpack to determine whether populations are likely to have experienced increased UV-B exposure in recent decades. We found no support for the hypothesis that UV-B limits the distribution of populations in the park, even when we analyzed high-elevation ponds separately. Instead, toads were more likely to breed in water bodies with higher estimated UV-B doses. The lack of a detectable trend in surface UV-B since 1979, combined with earlier snow melt in the region and increasing forest density at high elevations, suggests B. boreas embryos and larvae likely have not experienced increased UV-B.

Publication details
Published Date: 2006
Outlet/Publisher: Canadian Journal of Zoology 84: 98–107
Media Format: .PDF

ARMI Organizational Units:
Rocky Mountains, Northern - Biology
Climate Change; Species and their Ecology; Stressors
Place Names:
amphibians; ARMI; distribution; occupancy; population; stressors; UV
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