Species and their Ecology
The U.S. is home to approximately 287 of the world's estimated 6,000 amphibian species. The number of known species changes periodically as new species are discovered and new genetic techniques (e.g. molecular genetics) allow scientists to distinguish among cryptic species.
Amphibian Taxonomy
ARMI conducts research on the natural history of species; writing reports and describing the ecology of America's amphibians. ARMI also collaborates with federal and state partners to design, implement, and evaluate management actions that benefit T&E and other imperiled amphibian species.
Federal and State Partners: Information about the status, management, and conservation of amphibians is found throughout the ARMI web site [e.g. Products Database and Topics Sections]. Please consult the "National Amphibian Atlas" to identify the approximate range of the species of interest.
Species and their Ecology - ARMI Papers & Reports
Papers & Reports Assessing amphibian richness, rarity, threats, and conservation prospects for U.S. national park network [UPDATE TITLE]
Papers & Reports Assessing predictions from optimal egg theory for an ectotherm relative to habitat duration
Papers & Reports Informative priors can account for location uncertainty in stop-level analyses of the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), allowing fine-scale ecological analyses
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