Herpetological monitoring and assessment on the Trinity River in Trinity County, California: Final Report

Authors: Melissa Snover; Michael J Adams
Contribution Number: 521



The primary goal of the Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP) is to rehabilitate the fisheries on the dam-controlled Trinity River; however, maintaining and enhancing other wildlife populations through the restoration initiatives is also a key objective. For herpetological species, foothill yellow-legged frogs and western pond turtles have been identified as important species on which to focus monitoring efforts due to their status as California state-listed Species of Concern and potential listing on the U.S. Endangered Species List. We have developed and implemented a monitoring strategy for these species specific to the Trinity River with the objective of establishing baseline values for probabilities of site occupancy, colonization and local extinction; identify site characteristics that correlate with the probability of extinction; and to estimate overall trends in abundance. Our three-year study suggests that foothill yellow-legged frogs declined in the probability of site occupancy. Conversely, our results suggest that western pond turtle increased in both abundance and the probability of site occupancy. The short length of our study period makes it difficult to draw firm conclusions, however these result provide needed baseline data. Further monitoring and directed studies are required to assess how habitat changes and management decisions relate to the status and trend of these species.

Publication details
Published Date: 2016
Outlet/Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016-1089
Media Format: .PDF

ARMI Organizational Units:
Pacific Northwest - Biology
Monitoring and Population Ecology
Place Names:
Western US
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