Identifying Species Conservation Strategies to Reduce Disease-Associated Declines

Authors: B D Gerber; S J Converse; Erin Muths; H Crockett; Brittany A Mosher; Larissa L Bailey
Contribution Number: 593


Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) are a salient threat to many animal taxa, causing local and global extinctions, altering communities and ecosystem function. The EID chytridiomycosis is a prominent driver of amphibian declines, which is caused by the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). To guide conservation policy, we developed a predictive decision-analytic model that combines empirical knowledge of host-pathogen metapopulation dynamics with expert judgment regarding effects of management actions, to select from potential conservation strategies. We apply our approach to a boreal toad (Anaxyrus boreas boreas) and Bd system, identifying optimal strategies that balance tradeoffs in maximizing toad population persistence and landscape-level distribution, while considering costs. The most robust strategy is expected to reduce the decline of toad breeding sites from 53% to 21% over 50 years. Our findings are incorporated into management policy to guide conservation planning. Our online modeling application provides a template for managers of other systems challenged by EIDs.

Publication details
Published Date: 2017
Outlet/Publisher: Conservation Letters
Media Format: .PDF

ARMI Organizational Units:
Rocky Mountains, Southern - Biology
Disease; Stressors
Place Names:
amphibians; ARMI; Bd; conservation; critical habitat; Decision science; management; research; stressors; T&E
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