Daily calling activity for Pseudacris crucifer at site SC4DAI2 in the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway from 2008 to 2012, as indicated by the results of integrating daily median dB values across 2900 to 3200 Hz and 2100 to 2300 h

Authors: Walt J Sadinski; Mark F Roth
Contribution Number: 672



To describe calling activity of Pseudacris crucifer in relation to temperature, precipitation, and wetland water levels, we programmed an acoustic recorder (Wildlife Acoustics) to sample seasonal amphibian calls remotely at study site SC4DAI2 in the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway from 2008 to 2012. We programmed the recorder to sample for five minutes at the top of every hour of every day from late winter/early spring through late summer. We used the Songscape option in Songscope software to generate annual summaries of all of our acoustic samples from SC4DAI2. These summaries included a median dB level for each prescribed frequency within each recording. Pseudacris crucifer, the spring peeper, inhabited SC4DAI2 and typically called over several weeks each year, depending upon weather conditions and surface-water availability. Most of the energy in their individual calls occurred between 2900 and 3200 Hz, which provided a unique acoustic signature compared with the other anurans that called from the site. We used this information as part of a case study to better understand how the daily calling activity of P. crucifer varied relative to air temperature, precipitation, and water depth at SC4DAI2 across years. We first determined the daily median dB levels for frequencies across 2900 to 3200 Hz during 2100 to 2300 h, a time period during which P. crucifer typically called throughout their calling season. We did this for each day from the date when P. crucifer first called each year to the date when they last called each year and considered any day in this range as one during which they potentially could call. Because calling activity could vary from one hour to the next, we integrated the area under the curve for the daily median dB levels from 2900 to 3200 Hz during 2100 to 2300 h. We removed dates when overlapping sounds from storms or other sources rendered comparisons to calls of P. crucifer inaccurate. We used the resultant set of integrands to represent the relative sound intensity (as an indicator of calling activity) for P. crucifer across those hours for each date. Those integrands are contained in this data set. These data enabled us to then compare daily integrand values with daily measurements of air temperature, precipitation totals, and water depth.

Publication details
Published Date: 2018-09-06
Outlet/Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/F7CR5SBH
Media Format:

ARMI Organizational Units:
Midwest - Biology
Climate Change; Species and their Ecology
Place Names:
amphibians; Automated Recording Units; bioacoustics; call surveys; wetlands
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