A hierarchical analysis of habitat area, connectivity, and quality on amphibian diversity across spatial scales

Authors: Alexander D Wright; Evan HC Grant; E F Zipkin
Contribution Number: 681



We developed a multi-region community occupancy model to analyze 13 years (2005–2017) of amphibian monitoring data within the National Capital Region, a network of U.S. National Parks. Our analysis reveals how scale can mediate interpretation of results from scientific studies, which might help explain conflicting narratives concerning the impacts of fragmentation in the literature. Our hierarchical framework can help managers and policymakers elucidate the relevant spatial scale(s) to target conservation efforts.

Publication details
Published Date: 2020
Outlet/Publisher: Landscape Ecology
Media Format:

ARMI Organizational Units:
Northeast - Biology
Management; Monitoring and Population Ecology; Species and their Ecology
Place Names:
National Capital Region
monitoring; occupancy; species; wetlands
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