Monitoring of Boreal Toads (Anaxyrus boreas) in Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park: Survey design recommendations and trends in wetland occupancy and amphibian chytrid

Authors: Thierry C Chambert; Jami J Belt; Blake R Hossack
Contribution Number: 717

Boreal Toads (Anaxryus boreas, previously Bufo boreas) have been monitored in and around Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park (KLGO) since 2004. Because of their significant cultural and ecological importance, and due to threats of habitat change and the presence of the pathogenic chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis), the surveillance of Boreal Toad populations has become a priority. We analyzed data collected by the park during 2005–2018 to assess the global trend of toads’ occupancy in KLGO. To provide insight into the likelihood that sites produce metamorphs, we also estimated survival of larvae from early in the season (June-July) to late season (July-August) at 8 core sites that were surveyed intensively during most years. In addition, we used simulations and statistical power analyses to make recommendations on how to improve the sampling design of this monitoring program.

Publication details
Published Date:
Outlet/Publisher: Final report to NPS
Media Format:

ARMI Organizational Units:
Rocky Mountains, Northern - Biology
Management; Monitoring and Population Ecology
Place Names:
amphibians; Bd; chytrid fungus; Chytridiomycosis; detection probability; disease; management; methods; occupancy; pond-breeding amphibians; trends; wetlands
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