Using ground-placed PVC pipes to monitor hylid treefrogs – Capture biases


We sampled a population of two species of hylid treefrogs using 90 vertical ground-placed PVC pipes of 3 diameters positioned along a 1500-m transect at a forest-open pond ecotone in north-central Florida in order to identify potential capture biases. We recorded 1,981 treefrog observations (778 unmarked, 1,203 recaptures) in 8 months. Our results identified species-specific seasonal and weather-related variation in capture by pipe diameter and pipe location. These biases may limit the usefulness of this sampling technique when monitoring long-term treefrog population status and trends.

Publication details
Published Date: 2003
Outlet/Publisher: Southeastern Naturalist 2: 575-590
Media Format: URL

ARMI Organizational Units:
Southeast - Biology
Quantitative Developments
Place Names:
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