Hurricane storm surge and amphibian communities in coastal wetlands of northwestern Florida

Authors: Margaret S Gunzburger; William B Hughes; William J Barichivich; J S Staiger
Contribution Number: 352


Isolated wetlands in the Southeastern United States are dynamic habitats subject to fluctuating environmental conditions. Wetlands located near marine environments are subject to alterations in water chemistry due to storm surge during hurricanes. The objective of our study was to evaluate the effect of storm surge overwash on wetland amphibian communities. Thirty-two wetlands in northwestern Florida were sampled over a 45-month period to assess amphibian species richness and water chemistry. During this study, seven wetlands were overwashed by storm surge from Hurricane Dennis which made landfall 10 July 2005 in the Florida panhandle. This event allowed us to evaluate the effect of storm surge overwash on water chemistry and amphibian communities of the wetlands. Specific conductance across all wetlands was low pre-storm (<100 &#956;S/cm), but increased post-storm at the overwashed wetlands ($$ \bar{x} $$ = 7,613 &#956;S/cm). Increased specific conductance was strongly correlated with increases in chloride concentrations. Amphibian species richness showed no correlation with specific conductance. One month post-storm we observed slightly fewer species in overwashed compared with non-overwashed wetlands, but this trend did not continue in 2006. More species were detected across all wetlands pre-storm, but there was no difference between overwashed and non-overwashed wetlands when considering all amphibian species or adult anurans and larval anurans separately. Amphibian species richness did not appear to be correlated with pH or presence of fish although the amphibian community composition differed between wetlands with and without fish. Our results suggest that amphibian communities in wetlands in the southeastern United States adjacent to marine habitats are resistant to the effects of storm surge overwash.

Publication details
Published Date: 2010-05-15
Outlet/Publisher: Wetlands Ecology and Management 18:651-663.
Media Format:

ARMI Organizational Units:
Southeast - Biology
Southeast - Water
Stressors; Water
Place Names:
Florida; St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge
climate; stressors; surface water; water quality
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