Habitat Use and Movement of the Endangered Arroyo Toad (Anaxyrus californicus) in Coastal Southern California


Information on the habitat use and movement patterns of Arroyo Toads (Anaxyrus californicus) is limited. The temporal and spatial characteristics of terrestrial habitat use, especially as it relates to upland use in coastal areas of the species’ range, are poorly understood. We present analyses of radio-telemetry data from 40 individual adult toads tracked at a single site in coastal southern California from March through November of 2004. We quantify adult Arroyo Toad habitat use and movements and interpret results in the context of their life history. We show concentrated activity by both male and female toads along stream terraces during and after breeding, and, although our fall sample size is low, the continued presence of adult toads in the floodplain through the late-fall. Adult toads used open sandy flats with sparse vegetation. Home range size and movement frequency varied as a function of body mass. Observed spatial patterns of movement and habitat use both during and outside of the breeding period as well as available climatological data suggests overwintering of toads in floodplain habitats of near-coastal areas of southern California may be more common than previously considered. If adult toads are not migrating out of the floodplain at the close of the breeding season but instead overwinter on stream terraces in near-coastal areas, then current management practices that assume toad absence from floodplain habitats may be leaving adult toads over-wintering on stream terraces vulnerable to human disturbance during a time of year when Arroyo Toad mortality is potentially highest.

Publication details
Published Date: 2011
Outlet/Publisher: Journal of Herpetology 45: 9-12
Media Format:

ARMI Organizational Units:
Southwest, Southern California - Biology
Management; Species and their Ecology
Place Names:
San Diego County, CA
habitat use; land cover/land use; life history; management; movement; radio telemetry
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