ARMI 2013 Annual Update

Authors: Brian J Halstead; Michael J Adams; Evan HC Grant; Blake R Hossack; Kelly L Smalling; Lianne Ball
Contribution Number: 469


Welcome to the 2013 Annual ARMI Update, which provides highlights and significant milestones of this innovative program. This was an especially notable year for ARMI with the release of a landmark publication “Trends in amphibian occupancy in the United States.” Our synthesis and scaling up of 9 years of monitoring data produced the first-ever estimate of how fast frogs, toads and salamanders in the United States are disappearing from their habitats. Our findings received international attention and rekindled the discussion about global amphibian declines. This was not the only topic we addressed this year, as ARMI’s total publication count rose to 460 papers representing our latest research findings on the effects of climate change, land use, diseases, pesticides, and management on amphibian populations.

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Published Date: 2014-02-17
Media Format: .PDF

ARMI Organizational Units:
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National Wildlife Health Center
Southwest, Arizona - Biology
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