Evidence for Plasticity in the Frequency of Skipped Breeding Opportunities in Common Toads

Authors: Erin Muths; R D Scherer; Jaime Bosch
Contribution Number: 444

Breeding is limited by energetic or environmental constraints and long-lived species sometimes skip breeding opportunities. Environmental conditions may vary considerably across the geographic and elevational range of a species and species that can respond through variation in life history strategies are likely to maintain populations at the extremes of their ranges. The decision to skip breeding enables animals to adjust life history to circumstances, and plasticity in behavior allows implementation of adjustments. Elevational patterns suggest that breeding may be limited physiologically at high elevations (e.g., greater probability of skipped breeding; resources and environmental conditions more variable) in contrast to low elevations (probability of skipping breeding lower; resources and environmental conditions more predictable). We estimated the probabilities of survival and skipped breeding in a high-elevation population of Common Toads and compared estimates to existing data for Common Toads at low elevations, and to another toad species inhabiting a similar high elevation environment. Female Common Toads at high elevations tend to have high probabilities of skipping breeding and survival relative to data for Common Toads at low elevations, and appear to use a similar strategy of skipping breeding in response to similar environmental constraints as other toads at high elevations. We provide evidence of variability in this aspect of life history for Common Toads. Understanding variation in life history within widely distributed species is critical. Knowing that certain life history strategies are employed on a continuum informs conservation efforts, especially as impacts of climate change are likely to be different depending on elevation.

Publication details
Published Date: 2013
Outlet/Publisher: Population Ecology
Media Format: .PDF

ARMI Organizational Units:
Rocky Mountains, Southern - Biology
Monitoring and Population Ecology
Species and their Ecology
Place Names:
life history
pond-breeding amphibians
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