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Data Release Calculations of BioLake climate data
Authors: Ryan C Burner; Richard E Erickson
Date: 2022-11-01 | Outlet: USGS GitLab
Climate data allow people to examine species distributions and possible distributions. This script takes ERA5-Land climate estimates ( for precipitation and lake temperature and processes them to create summary climate layers for use with biological organisms in lakes. This code could be modified to use a different subset of years.
These BioLake raster data provide global estimates (~10.0 x 12.4 km resolution) of twelve bioclimatic variables based on estimated lake temperature. Eleven of these twelve variables (BioLake01 - BioLake11) are estimated for each of three lake strata: lake mix (surface) layer, lake bottom, and total lake water column. These eleven variables correspond to CHELSA (Climatologies at high resolution for the earth's land surface areas) bioclimatic variables BIO1 - BIO11, except that these BioLake variables are based on lake water temperature and CHELSA BIO1 - BIO11 variables are based on air temperature. CHELSA BIO is also calculated a finer spatial resolution (~1 x 1 km). The twelfth variable (BioLake20; months with non-zero ice cover) does not correspond to any CHELSA bioclimatic variable. The data are supplied as a multi-layer raster (.grd) file in the World Mollweide projection, accompanied by a header file (.gri) with layer names.
For BioLake layer download, see
These BioLake raster data provide global estimates (~10.0 x 12.4 km resolution) of twelve bioclimatic variables based on estimated lake temperature. Eleven of these twelve variables (BioLake01 - BioLake11) are estimated for each of three lake strata: lake mix (surface) layer, lake bottom, and total lake water column. These eleven variables correspond to CHELSA (Climatologies at high resolution for the earth's land surface areas) bioclimatic variables BIO1 - BIO11, except that these BioLake variables are based on lake water temperature and CHELSA BIO1 - BIO11 variables are based on air temperature. CHELSA BIO is also calculated a finer spatial resolution (~1 x 1 km). The twelfth variable (BioLake20; months with non-zero ice cover) does not correspond to any CHELSA bioclimatic variable. The data are supplied as a multi-layer raster (.grd) file in the World Mollweide projection, accompanied by a header file (.gri) with layer names.
For BioLake layer download, see
Data Release BioLake bioclimatic variables based on ERA5-Land lake temperature estimates 1991-2020
Authors: Ryan C Burner; Richard E Erickson
Date: 2022-01-21 | Outlet: USGS ScienceBase
These BioLake raster data provide global estimates (~10.0 x 12.4 km resolution) of twelve bioclimatic variables based on estimated lake temperature. Eleven of these twelve variables (BioLake01 - BioLake11) are estimated for each of three lake strata: lake mix (surface) layer, lake bottom, and total lake water column. These eleven variables correspond to CHELSA (Climatologies at high resolution for the earth's land surface areas) bioclimatic variables BIO1 - BIO11, except that these BioLake variables are based on lake water temperature and CHELSA BIO1 - BIO11 variables are based on air temperature. CHELSA BIO is also calculated a finer spatial resolution (~1 x 1 km). The twelfth variable (BioLake20; months with non-zero ice cover) does not correspond to any CHELSA bioclimatic variable. The data are supplied as a multi-layer raster (.grd) file in the World Mollweide projection, accompanied by a header file (.gri) with layer names.
Data Release Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) monitoring data for metademographic analysis 2010-2018, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Data Release
Authors: Jennifer C Rowe; Adam Duarte; James T Peterson; Christopher A Pearl; Brome McCreary; Stephanie K Galvan; Michael J Adams
Date: 2020-05-05 | Outlet: ScienceBase
This dataset contains information from surveys conducted 2010-2018 by USGS as part of a long-term Oregon spotted frog monitoring effort in the central Oregon range. Data consist of site, survey, habitat, and species detection covariates, as well as inter-site distance measurements.
Data Release Body measurements of the exotic invasive Cuban treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis) in Louisiana
Authors: Brad M Glorioso; Hardin J Waddle
Date: 2018-01-19
This dataset provides location and standard measurements of captured Cuban Treefrogs from the Audubon Park and Zoo area of New Orleans, Louisiana.