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Papers & Reports Estimation of metademographic rates and landscape connectivity for a conservation-reliant anuran
Authors: Adam Duarte; James T Peterson; Christopher A Pearl; Jennifer C Rowe; Brome McCreary; Stephanie K Galvan; Michael J Adams
Outlet: Landscape Ecology
Context Amphibian conservation efforts commonly assume populations are tied to waterbodies that collectively function as a metapopulation. This assumption is rarely evaluated, and there is a need to understand the degree of connectivity among patches to appropriately define, manage, and conserve biological populations.

Objectives Our objectives were to quantify local persistence, colonization, and recruitment (metademographic rates) in relation to habitat attributes, evaluate the influence of the spatial arrangement of patches on landscape-scale population dynamics, and estimate the scale at which metapopulation dynamics are occurring for the Oregon spotted frog (Rana pretiosa).

Methods We collected R. pretiosa detection/non-detection data and habitat information from 93 sites spread throughout the species’ core extant range in Oregon, USA, 2010–2018. We developed a spatial multistate dynamic occupancy model to analyze these data.

Results Results indicated the proportion of sites occupied by R. pretiosa was relatively stable despite regular turnover in site occupancy. Connectivity was highest when the distance between sites was within 4.49–https://7.70 km, and populations within 1 km are at the appropriate spatial scale for effective population management. Rana pretiosa metademographic rates were strongly tied to water availability, vegetation characteristics, and beaver dams.

Conclusions Our analysis provides critical information to identify the appropriate spatial scale for effective population management, estimates the distance at which populations are connected, and quantifies the effects of hypothesized threats to species at a landscape scale. We believe this type of model can inform conservation and management strategies for multiple species.
Papers & Reports ACRIS BLANCHARDI (Blanchard's Cricket Frog). Predation.
Authors: B R Maldonado; Brad M Glorioso; R P Kidder
Date: 2020-06 | Outlet: Herpetological Review 51(2):296
A natural history note describing predation of a Blanchard's Cricket Frog by a wolf spider at an elevated height.
Papers & Reports OSTEOPILUS SEPTENTRIONALIS (Cuban Treefrog)
Authors: Brad M Glorioso; P Vanbergen; J Roy; M Walter; L Leonpacher; M Freistak
Date: 2018 | Outlet: Herpetological Review 49(1):70-71
A note on the geographic distribution of the Cuban Treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis), describing new parish records in East Baton Rouge Parish and Lafayette Parish.
Papers & Reports Reptile and amphibian diversity and abundance in an urban landscape: Impacts of fragmentation and the conservation value of small patches.
Authors: Katy S Delaney; Gary T Busteed; Robert N Fisher; Seth PD Riley
Date: 2021-05-31 | Outlet: Ichthyology & Herpetology 109:424-435
Urbanization is a major contributor to habitat loss and fragmentation and is considered a global threat to biodiversity. We studied reptile and amphibian species diversity and abundance in a highly fragmented landscape adjacent to the second largest metropolitan area in the United States. Habitat patches in our study area were made up of remnant native vegetation surrounded by roads, housing, and other urban development. Species richness and diversity were positively associated with patch size, but patch age was not significantly associated with community characteristics. Four relatively common species were not detected in the small patches, indicating the possibility they had been extirpated by the time monitoring began, and six rarer species were not detected or detected only once in these patches. Although the patch size effect on species diversity was strong, we found that several of the small habitat patches had similar diversity to large patches, indicating potential value of these small habitat patches in protecting species as “microreserves”. In addition, one lizard species was found to be significantly more abundant in the smaller patches. To determine if abundance changed over time, we compared capture rates for four common lizards at the same sites 10 years later. For 3 of the 4 species, abundance decreased over that period, specifically in the small patches. Although our long-term monitoring has confirmed that the full suite of herpetofauna is currently preserved in the park overall, declines even in the common species over time hint at the potential severity of the threat of urbanization to rare species.
Papers & Reports Historical museum collections and contemporary population studies implicate roads and introduced predatory bullfrogs in the decline of western pond turtles
Authors: E Nicholson; S Manzo; Z Devereux; T Morgan; Robert N Fisher; Christopher W Brown; Rosi G Dagit; P Scott; H Shaffer
Date: 2020-06-12 | Outlet: PeerJ 8:e9248 DOI 10.7717/peerj.9248
The western pond turtle (WPT), recently separated into two paripatrically distributed species (Emys pallida and Emys marmorata), is experiencing significant reductions in its range and population size. In addition to habitat loss, two potential causes of decline are female-biased road mortality and high juvenile mortality from non-native predatory bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana). However, quantitative analyses of these threats have never been conducted for either species of WPT. We used a combination of historical museum samples and published and unpublished field studies shared with us through personal communications with WPT field researchers (B Shaffer, P Scott, R Fisher, C Brown, R Dagit, L Patterson, T Engstrom, 2019, personal communications) to quantify the effect of roads and bullfrogs on WPT populations along the west coast of the United States. Both species of WPT shift toward increasingly male biased museum collections over the last century, a trend consistent with increasing, female-biased road mortality. Recent WPT population studies revealed that road density and proximity were significantly associated with increasingly male-biased sex ratios, further suggesting female-biased road mortality. The mean body size of museum collections of E. marmorata, but not E. pallida, has increased over the last 100 years, consistent with reduced recruitment and aging populations that could be driven by invasive predators. Contemporary WPT population sites that co-occur with bullfrogs had significantly greater average body sizes than population sites without bullfrogs, suggesting strong bullfrog predation on small WPT hatchlings and juveniles. Overall, our findings indicate that both species of WPT face demographic challenges which would have been difficult to document without the use of both historical data from natural history collections and contemporary demographic field data. Although correlational, our analyses suggest that female-biased road mortality and predation on small turtles by non-native bullfrogs are occurring, and that conservation strategies reducing both may be important for WPT recovery.
Papers & Reports Changes in capture rates and body size among vertebrate species occupying an insular urban habitat reserve
Authors: T R Stanley; R W Clark; Robert N Fisher; Carlton J Rochester; S A Root; K J Lombardo; S D Ostermann-Kelm
Date: 2020-06-29 | Outlet: Conservation Science and Practice 2020;e245.
Long-term ecological monitoring provides valuable and objective scientific information to inform management and decision making. In this paper we analyze 22 years of herpetofauna monitoring data from the Point Loma Ecological Conservation Area (PLECA), an insular urban reserve near San Diego, California. Our analysis showed that counts of individuals for one of the four most common terrestrial vertebrates declined, whereas counts for other common species increased or remained stable. Two species exhibited declines in adult body length, whereas biomass pooled over the five most common species increased over time and was associated with higher wet season precipitation. Although the habitat and vegetation at PLECA have remained protected and intact, we suspect that changes in arthropod communities may be driving changes in the abundance, growth, and development of insectivorous lizards. This study underscores the value of long-term monitoring for establishing quantitative baselines to assess biological changes that would otherwise go undetected.
Papers & Reports Pseudacris ornata
Authors: Brad M Glorioso
Date: 2010 | Outlet: Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles
An in-depth species account of the ornate chorus frog (Pseudacris ornata).
Papers & Reports Growth, survival, longevity, and population size of the Big Mouth Cave Salamander (Gyrinophilus palleucus necturoides) from the type locality in Grundy County, Tennessee, USA
Authors: Mathew L Niemiller; Brad M Glorioso; Dante B Fenolio; R G Reynolds; S J Taylor; B T Miller
Date: 2016 | Outlet: Copeia 104(1):35-41
Salamander species that live entirely in subterranean habitats have evolved adaptations that allow them to cope with perpetual darkness and limited energy resources. We conducted a 26-month mark–recapture study to better understand the individual growth and demography of a population of the Big Mouth Cave Salamander (Gyrinophilus palleucus necturoides). We employed a growth model to estimate growth rates, age at sexual maturity, and longevity, and an open population model to estimate population size, density, detectability, and survival rates. Furthermore, we examined cover use and evidence of potential predation. Individuals probably reach sexual maturity in 3–5 years and live at least nine years. Survival rates were generally high (>75%) but declined during the study. More than 30% of captured salamanders had regenerating tails or tail damage, which presumably represent predation attempts by conspecifics or crayfishes. Most salamanders (>90%) were found under cover (e.g., rocks, trash, decaying plant material). Based on 11 surveys during the study, population size estimates ranged from 21 to 104 individuals in the ca. 710 m² study area. Previous surveys indicated that this population experienced a significant decline from the early 1970s through the 1990s, perhaps related to silvicultural and agricultural practices. However, our data suggest that this population has either recovered or stabilized during the past 20 years. Differences in relative abundance between early surveys and our survey could be associated with differences in survey methods or sampling conditions rather than an increase in population size. Regardless, our study demonstrates that this population is larger than previously thought and is in no immediate risk of extirpation, though it does appear to exhibit higher rates of predation than expected for a species believed to be an apex predator of subterranean food webs.
Papers & Reports Herpetofauna of the cedar glades and associated habitats of the Inner Central Basin of Middle Tennessee
Authors: Mathew L Niemiller; R G Reynolds; Brad M Glorioso; J Spiess; B T Miller
Date: 2011 | Outlet: Herpetological Conservation and Biology6(1):127-141
The cedar glades and barrens of the Inner Central Basin (ICB) of middle Tennessee support a unique and diverse flora and fauna and represent some of the state’s most valued natural areas. We conducted herpetofaunal inventories of the cedar glades, associated barrens, cedar-hardwood forest, and adjacent aquatic habitats of the Stones River drainage of Middle Tennessee, focusing our sampling effort primarily at seven state- or federally owned properties in Rutherford and Wilson counties. These properties included Stones River National Battlefield (SRNB), Flat Rock State Natural Area (FRSNA), Vesta Cedar Glade State Natural Area (VSNA), Fall Creek Recreation Area (FCRA) on J. Percy Priest Wildlife Management Area, Cedars of Lebanon State Forest (CLSF), Cedars of Lebanon State Forest Natural Area (CLSNA), and Cedars of Lebanon State Park (CLSP). We used a variety of inventory techniques in terrestrial, aquatic, and subterranean habitats to survey these properties periodically from 1989 to 2010. We documented 49 species (22 amphibian and 27 reptile) accounting for 75.4% of the 65 herpetofaunal species thought to occur in the ICB, including records for Cemophora coccinea, Aneides aeneus, Gyrinophilus palleucus, Ambystoma barbouri, and Pseudotriton montanus. We found differences in alpha and beta diversity between sites, with the CLSF complex containing a high of 41 herpetofaunal species and FRSNA containing a low of 23 species. Beta diversity comparisons indicated similarity in amphibian species composition between FRSNA and CLSF and between SRNB and CLSF (9 shared species), and in reptile species composition between VSNA and the CLSF complex (16 shared species). We compare the results of our inventory with two previous studies conducted in the area and discuss the relative abundance, conservation, and threats to the herpetofaunal community of these habitats.
Papers & Reports OSTEOPILUS SEPTENTRIONALIS (Cuban Treefrog)
Authors: Brad M Glorioso; A P Steece; Z K Lemann; R Lazare; James W Beck
Date: 2016 | Outlet: Herpetological Review 47(2):249
A note on the geographic distribution of the Cuban Treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis), describing new parish records in St. Tammany Parish and Orleans Parish.
Papers & Reports OSTEOPILUS SEPTENTRIONALIS (Cuban Treefrog)
Authors: Brad M Glorioso; K Macedo; B R Maldonado; C J Hillard; I N Morenc; E S Grimes
Date: 2018 | Outlet: Herpetological Review 49(4):709
A note on the geographic distribution of the Cuban Treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis), describing a new parish record and probable establishment in St. Charles Parish.
Papers & Reports Feeding times of Amphiuma tridactylum at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee
Authors: Brad M Glorioso; Mathew L Niemiller; V A Cobb
Date: 2010 | Outlet: Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 85(3-4):87-90
Feeding activity times were determined for Amphiuma tridactylum in a roadside slough adjacent to Reelfoot Lake in northwestern Tennessee. Twenty-nine A. tridactylum were captured using baited deep-water crawfish nets, with more than half of the captures being large adults. Despite the majority (82.4%) of trapping effort being concentrated in daytime hours, 82.7% of A. tridactylum captures were at night. Capture rates during nighttime hours were more than 25 times greater than during daytime capture rates. Though nocturnal, the mid-day captures indicated that A. tridactylum may exit their burrows during the day. This study also provides an alternative trapping method for Amphiuma, in which feeding times can be accurately determined.
Papers & Reports AMBYSTOMA MACULATUM (Spotted Salamander). REPRODUCTION.
Authors: Brad M Glorioso; Hardin J Waddle; J M Hefner
Date: 2012 | Outlet: Herpetological Review 43(4):627-628
This is a note on reproduction in Spotted Salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) describing clutch sizes and several instances of inadvertant passive integrated transponder tag loss by tagged females via oviposition.
Papers & Reports Nocturnal arboreality in snakes in the swamplands of the Atchafalaya Basin of south-central Louisiana and Big Thicket National Preserve of southeast Texas
Authors: Brad M Glorioso; Hardin J Waddle
Date: 2017-03-29 | Outlet: The Journal of North American Herpetology 2017(1):11-18
The southeastern United States is home to a diverse assemblage of snakes, but only one species, the Rough Greensnake (Opheodrys aestivus), is considered specialized for a predominantly arboreal lifestyle. Other species, such as Ratsnakes (genus Pantherophis) and Ribbonsnakes/Gartersnakes (genus Thamnophis), are widely known to climb into vegetation and trees. Some explanations given for snake climbing behavior are foraging, thermoregulation, predator avoidance, and response to flood. Reports of arboreality in snake species typically not associated with life in the trees (such as terrestrial, aquatic, and even fossorial species) usually come from single observations, with no knowledge of prevalence of the behavior. Here, we report on arboreality of snake species detected during 8 years of night surveys in the Atchafalaya Basin of south-central Louisiana and 5+ years of night surveys in Big Thicket National Preserve in southeast Texas. We recorded a total of 1,088 detections of 19 snake species between the two study areas, with 348 detections above ground level (32%). The Rough Greensnake and Western Ribbonsnake (Thamnophis proximus) accounted for nearly 75% of total arboreal detections among the two study areas. However, with one exception, all snake species detected more than once between both study areas had at least one arboreal detection. These observations demonstrate that snakes with widely varying natural histories may be found in the trees at night, and for some species, this behavior may be more common than previously believed.
Papers & Reports A trapping survey targeting head-started alligator snapping turtles in southwest Louisiana
Authors: Brad M Glorioso; L J Muse; C J Hillard; B R Maldonado; J Streeter; Charles D Battaglia; Hardin J Waddle
Date: 2020 | Outlet: Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management
Authors: Brian J Halstead; Caren S Goldberg; Robert B Douglas; Patrick M Kleeman; David W Ulrich
Date: 2020-12-31 | Outlet: Northwestern Naturalist 101(3):194-209
Stream-obligate amphibians are important indicators of ecosystem health in the Pacific Northwest, but distributional information to improve forest management is lacking in many regions. We analyzed archived DNA extracted from water samples in 60 pools within streams in private timberlands in Mendocino County, California, for 3 California Species of Special Concern—Coastal Tailed Frogs (Ascaphus truei), Foothill Yellow-legged Frogs (Rana boylii), and Southern Torrent Salamanders (Rhyacotriton variegatus)—to better understand their distributions in the region. Both Coastal Tailed Frog and Foothill Yellow-legged Frog occurrence was affected by whether silt or organic matter was a dominant substrate in the sampled pool, and Foothill Yellow-legged Frog occurrence also was affected by water temperature. Foothill Yellow-legged Frog occurrence had a strong, positive association with water temperature, with occurrence unlikely below 14°C and very likely above 16°C, and a positive association with silt or organic substrates in pools, which was likely an indicator of higher-order stream reaches. In contrast, Coastal Tailed Frogs had a negative association with silt or organic substrates. Historical visual detections were generally congruent with findings using eDNA, but differences highlight important areas for further study. Detection probabilities of eDNA of both frogs was positively affected by water temperature. We did not detect Southern Torrent Salamanders using eDNA at any sites. Our study reinforces that ecological relationships of these species are varied and indicates the importance of maintaining the integrity of streams with diverse characteristics for conserving stream amphibians.
Papers & Reports Survival estimates for the invasive American Bullfrog
Authors: P E Howell; Erin Muths; Brent H Sigafus; Blake R Hossack
Outlet: Amphibia-Reptilia
We used five years of capture mark-recapture data to estimate annual apparent survival of post-metamorphic bullfrogs in a population on the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge in their invaded range in Arizona, U.S.A.
Papers & Reports Estimating inundation of small waterbodies with sub-pixel analysis of Landsat imagery: long-term trends in surface water area and evaluation of common drought indices
Authors: I Sall; Christopher J Jarchow; Brent H Sigafus; Lisa A Eby; M J Forzley; Blake R Hossack
Outlet: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
Small waterbodies are numerically dominant in many landscapes and provide several important ecosystem services, but automated measurement of waterbodies smaller than a standard Landsat pixel (https://0.09 ha) remains challenging. To further evaluate sub-Landsat pixel techniques for estimating inundation extent of small waterbodies (basin area: https://0.06https://1.79 ha), we used a partial spectral unmixing method with matched filtering applied to September 1985–2018 Landsat 5 and 8 imagery from southern Arizona, USA. We estimated trends in modeled surface water area each September and evaluated the ability of several common drought indices to explain variation in mean water area. Our methods accurately classified waterbodies as dry or inundated (Landsat 5: 91.3%; Landsat 8: 98.9%) and modeled and digitized surface water areas were strongly correlated (R2 = https://0.70https://0.92; bias = -https://0.024 – -https://0.015 ha). Estimated surface water area was best explained by the 3-month seasonal standardized precipitation index (SPI03; July?September) and. We found a wide range of estimated relationships between drought indices (e.g., SPI vs. Palmer Drought Severity Index) and estimated water area, even for different durations of the same drought index (e. g., SPI01 vs SPI12). Mean surface area of waterbodies decreased by ~14% from September 1985 to September 2018, which matched declines in annual precipitation in the area and is consistent with broader trends of reduced inundation extent based on larger waterbodies. Estimated of surface water area and trends over time were also consistent when we limited analyses to waterbodies ? https://0.04 ha or those that varied most in size (based on CV). These results emphasize the importance of understanding local systems when relying on drought indices to infer variation in past or future surface water dynamics. Several challenges remain before widespread application of sub-pixel methods is feasible, but our results provide further evidence that partial spectral unmixing with matched filtering provides reliable measures of inundation extent of small waterbodies.
Papers & Reports A Synthesis of Evidence of Drivers of Amphibian Decline
Authors: Evan HC Grant; David AW Miller; Erin Muths
Outlet: Herpetologica
ABSTRACT:—Early calls for robust long-term time series of amphibian population data are now being realized after 25 years of focused research. Inference from individual studies and locations have contributed to a basic consensus on drivers of these declines. Until recently there were no large-scale syntheses of long-term time series to test hypotheses about the generality of factors driving population dynamics at broad spatial scales. Through the U.S. Geological Survey Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis, we brought together a group of scientists to elucidate mechanisms underlying amphibian declines in North America and Europe. We used time series of field data collected across dozens of study areas to make inferences with these combined data using hierarchical and spatial models. We bring together results from four syntheses of these data to summarize our state of knowledge of amphibian declines, identify commonalities among the results that suggest further avenues of study, and suggest a way forward in addressing amphibian declines – by looking beyond specific drivers to how to achieve stability in remaining populations. The common thread of these syntheses is that declines are real but not ubiquitous, and that multiple factors drive declines but the relative importance of each factor varies among species, populations and regions. We also found that climate is an important driver of amphibian population dynamics. However, the sensitivity to change varies among species in ways unlikely to explain overall rates of decline. Thirty years after the initial identification of a major catastrophe for global biodiversity, the scientific community has empirically demonstrated the reality of the problem, identified putative causes, provided evidence of their impacts, invested in broader scale actions, and attempted meta-analyses to search out global drivers. We suggest an approach that focuses on key demographic rates that may improve amphibian population trends at multiple sites across the landscape.
Papers & Reports A Synthesis of Evidence of Drivers of Amphibian Declines
Authors: Evan HC Grant; David AW Miller; Erin Muths
Outlet: Herpetologica xx: xxx-xxx
ABSTRACT: Early calls for robust long-term time series of amphibian population data, stemming from discussion following the first World Congress of Herpetology, are now being realized after 25 yr of focused research. Inference from individual studies and locations have contributed to a basic consensus on drivers of amphibian declines. Until recently there were no large-scale syntheses of long-term time series data to test hypotheses about the generality of factors driving population dynamics at broad spatial scales. Through the U.S. Geological Survey’s Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis, we brought together a group of scientists to elucidate mechanisms underlying amphibian declines in North America and Europe. We used time series of field data collected across dozens of study areas to make inferences with these combined data using hierarchical and spatial models. We bring together results from four syntheses of these data to summarize our state of knowledge of amphibian declines, identify commonalities that suggest further avenues of study, and suggest a way forward in addressing amphibian declines—by looking beyond specific drivers to how to achieve stability in remaining populations. The common thread of the syntheses is that declines are real but not ubiquitous, and that multiple factors drive declines but the relative importance of each factor varies among species, populations and regions. We also found that climate is an important driver of amphibian population dynamics. However, the direction and magnitude of sensitivity to change vary among species in ways unlikely to explain overall rates of decline. Thirty years after the initial identification of a major catastrophe for global biodiversity, the scientific community has empirically demonstrated the reality of the problem, identified putative causes, provided evidence of their impacts, invested in broader scale actions, and attempted meta-analyses to search out global drivers. We suggest an approach that focuses on key demographic rates that may improve amphibian population trends at multiple sites across the landscape.